
Medal Visit of Pope Pius VII to Paris, Issued by France, 1804. Medal also known as 'La Sacre'.
Artist: Jean Pierre Droz and Louis Jaley
Minted by Paris Mint

Obverse Description

Bust of Pope Pius VII in his Sacerdotal habit, the Papal tiara on his head. Legend, PIUS VII. P. M. HOSPES NEAPOLIONIS IMP. ; below DROZ.F

Reverse Description

Notre-Dame of Paris; in the left field of the medal the monogram, "MA"; around, IMPERATOR SACRATVS; in exergue, PARISIIS. II . DEC . M . DCCCIV . / XI . FRIM . AN . XIII / DEN DIR. JALEY F.

Edge Description



"Pope Pius VII. having been ordered from Rome to Paris, for the purpose of crowning Bonaparte, now elected, by the decree of the constituted authorities, Emperor of the French, by the title of Napoleon I., he arrived at Fontainbleau, on the 25th of October, where Napoleon met him. On the 2nd of December, he anointed and crowned the Emperor Napoleon, in the Cathedral Church of Notre Dame: at the same time, Madame Bonaparte was inaugurated Empress, and both were formally enthroned.

Never before had a Pope been obliged to leave his own dominions for the purpose of crowning either an Emperor or a King. It was reserved to the aspiring Napoleon to outdo all other crowned heads, in causing the Sovereign Pontiff of Rome to repair to Paris, in order to add lustre to his accession. " Laskey p.81-82

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