
Copper One Penny Token, minted by Smith & Kemp, Birmingham. Issued by Miller & Dismorr, Drapers & Haberdashers, Melbourne, circa 1858. The closest match found for this business is 'Millar and Dismorr, Drapers etc., 43 Collins Street East' in Butterfield's 1855 Melbourne directory. Miller & Dismorr, were listed at the same address, in 1856.

Previous Collections: George McArthur

Physical Description

A round copper token (34 mm diameter) giving the name address and business of the issuer: Miller & Dismore, Collins Street, Melbourne, drapers, haberdashers. The reverse states that it is a penny token and names the mint, Smith & Kemp of Birmingham.

Obverse Description

Legend in 5 lines (the 1st and last curved); MILLER & DISMORR / DRAPERS / HABERDASHERS &c / COLLINS. ST. ' MELBOURNE

Reverse Description

ONE / PENNY / TOKEN; below in small letters the manufacturer's name, SMITH & KEMP.BIRMM

Edge Description


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