Medal Paix de Presbourg, 'Peace of Presbourg', Issued by France, 1805
Artist: Bertrand Andrieu
Minted by Paris Mint
Obverse Description
Laureate head of Napoleon facing right; around, NAPOLEON EMP ET ROI; on neck truncation in small lettering, ANDRIEU F.; below (not fully struck up), DENON DIR.
Reverse Description
A front view of the Temple of Janus Quadriformis with head of Janus on the top and the doors closed; on the Attic, TEMPLUM JANI; in exergue, PAIX DE PRESBOURG / XXVI . DECEMBRE / MDCCCV. ; around below in small lettering, ANDRIEU FT. - DENON DT.
Edge Description
"After the fatal battle of Austerlitz, an armistice was concluded between Napoleon and the Emperor of Austria, which led to a peace between these two powers, the principal articles were: - The Emperor of Germany and Austria acknowledged the Emperor of the French as king of Italy; but it was agreed, that in conformity with the declaration of Napoleon when he took the crown of Italy, that as soon as the parties named in that declaration had fulfilled the conditions therein expressed, the imperial and regal crowns of France and Italy should be for ever separated, and, in no case, united on the same head. On this condition, the Emperor of Germany and Austria bound himself to acknowledge, on the separation, the successor which the Emperor of France should appoint as king of Italy.
The Emperor of Austria also ceded to the Emperor of France and king of Italy, the city of Venice, and all the Venetian territory in Istria and Dalmatia, with the islands in the Adriatic, &c. to be united in perpetuity to the Italian kingdom. He also acknowledged the electors of Wirtemberg and Bavaria, as kings of Wirtemberg and Bavaria, titles which they had assumed under the sanction and protection of the Emperor of France, and ceded to them and to the elector of Baden, in full and perpetual sovereignty, certain principalities, domains, and territories, specified in the treaty. On these conditions, the Emperor of the French guaranteed the integrity of the Austrian Empire in the state in which it was to be placed in consequence of the treaty of peace. The high contracting powers also acknowledged the independence of the Batavian and Helvetic Republics. These articles were adjusted at an interview which the Archduke Charles of Austria had with the French Emperor. The treaty was signed at Presburg, the capital of Hungary, by M. Talleyrand on the part of France, and Prince John of Lichtenstein on the part of Austria, December 26th, 1805, and was ratified on the following day, at the imperial palace of Schoenbrunn. Thus, the finishing blow was given to Austrian greatness: and Germany was laid at the feet of France." Laskey p.109-110
More Information
Collection Names
Collecting Areas
Acquisition Information
Transfer from National Gallery of Victoria (NGV), 15 Mar 1976
Date Issued
1805 AD
Issued By
Type of item
41 mm (Outside Diameter), 33.4 g (Weight)
Laskey LXIII
[Book] Laskey, J. C. Medals Struck at the National Medal Mint by Order of Napoleon Bonaparte., 109-110 Pages