
Silver denarius struck during the reign of the Emperor Nerva in 97 AD, Ancient Roman Empire. Minted by Rome. All coins issued by Nerva contain dating information. In this case TR P II COS III in the obverse legend can be dated to October 97 AD and the lack of GERM places production before 27th October. The reverse type, proclaiming concord between the emperor and the army was wishful thinking, he had been made emperor by the Senate and concentrated his efforts on the well being of the people in Italy. Only with the adoption and empowerment of Trajan on 27 October were the concerns of the military alleviated.

Obverse Description

Laureate head of Nerva facing right; around, IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR P II COS III P P

Reverse Description

Clasped hands; around, CONCORDIA EXERCITVVM

Edge Description


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