
This is a typesetting machine in linotype, manufactured by Mergenthaler Linotype, possibly in 1935. This machine is a Model 8 and has three superimposed magazines with one distributor and came into existence in the early 1900s.

A key is pushed for each character of text being set. An operator using a keyboard types an instruction that drops the letter matrix from a magazine.

A matrix is a metal block with the shape of a character indented into a flat side.
A magazine is a storage case for mattrices of one face and size and is mounted on top of the Linotype machine.

The matrices are formed into a line and then are moved to a mould, where lead is injected. The line is ejected from the mould and the matrices are taken back and distributed automatically into the magazine, ready for use again.
The set line - the line-of-type - is ejected from the mould into a galley or tray at the side of the machine. When a page of copy is set (complete), the lines are removed and set up in a chase for printing, or, in newspaper work, set up for casting a stereo plate.

A chase is a metal frame into which type and blocks are locked to make up a page or forme?

The stereotype process was used when a typesetting had to be duplicated. A stereotype matrix was made by pressing the typesetting into a special soft, thick paper. The top layer of the paper was of a very fine grain which would faithfully record the finest type, and every dot of a photoengraving.

There are three magazines on the machine, the middle one with a label "7 x188 Bell Gothic". The other two are not labeled and the content is unknown, but in operation for newspaper work, a set of magazines carried the same face so the remaining two probably have Bell Gothic in them as well. The three magazines probably carry, separately, a roman, italic and bold face.

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