
Slide Rule & Case used to calculate conversions between different scales of measurement on a linear scale. The scales of measurement include log-log (LL), log (L), A, B, C, D, Cu, sine, tangent, cosine, power, voltage drop and efficiency. The slide rule is stored in a cloth-lined cardboard storage case. Inscription name 'C.L. Rawling'.

The object was manufactured by White & Gillespie (W & G) Record Processing Co. Pty. Ltd. The company formed in 1910 as a printing business and began manufacturing drawing instruments after World War II.

Physical Description

The slide rule is made of laminated wood with various scales engraved in red and black into the laminate on two sides. Two pieces are fixed by screwed metal plates while the central piece can slide along the length and can be removed. There is a glass covered plate (cursor) in a metal holder with a marked line, which encloses the three pieces and can slide along its length. The storage case is made of heavy cardboard lined with a navy blue coloured cloth and has gold coloured embossed lettering of the maker's name and product identification. There is a name handwritten inside the case in black pen. One of the corners is damaged and the some of the cloth is peeling away from the cardboard surface along ove of the long edges. There is also a detached paper label that was once attached to one end of the case.

More Information

  • Collecting Areas

    Engineering, Working Life & Trades

  • Manufacturer

    W.& G. Record Processing Co Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, 1946-1960

  • Inscriptions

    One side: Several numbers and nine scales titled (from top to bottom) "LL", "L", "A", "B", "RECIPROCAL", "C", "D", "Cu", and "LL". Other side: Several numbers and eight scales (from top to bottom) "SINE", Kw", "H.P.", "F", "TANGENT", "VOLTAGE/DROP", "DYNAMO/EFFICIENCY", "MOTOR/EFFICIENCY". Other side: ""DUALFACE" COMPREHENSIVE SLIDE RULE/MODEL 432/MELBOURNE >W & G< AUSTRALIA/PAT. APP. FOR" Embossed on case: ">W&G</DUALFACE/COMPREHENSIVE/SLIDE RULE/MODEL 432" Paper label:">W & G< / MELB. AUST. / MODEL / 432 ", "DUALFACE Comprehensive/SLIDE RULE/W&G RECORD PROCESSING CO. PTY. LTD." Inside case: "C.L. Rawling / 471 Williams / Lane / B. H"

  • Model Name or Number

    Model 432

  • Brand Names

    Dualface (Slide Rules)

  • Classification

    Computing & calculating, Calculating, Mechanical

  • Category

    History & Technology

  • Discipline


  • Type of item


  • Overall Dimensions

    350 mm (Length), 57 mm (Width), 15 mm (Height)
    Length measurement taken with slide closed. Length with slide fully extended: 605mm Dimensions above are for the slide rule only; case overall dimensions are 360 mm x 27 mm x 62 mm (LxHxW).

  • References

    See attached multimedia company history by R. Bruce Sandie

  • Keywords

    Calculating Devices, Slide Rules