
Copper Sixpence Token, mint unknown. Issued by J. Hosie, The Scotch Pie, Melbourne, 1862. James Hosie came to Melbourne in 1853 from Leith, Scotland. Hosie initially worked as a shoemaker, in Melbourne at the Western Markets and at the gold fields at Mount Blackwood. He returned to Melbourne and opened a shop, his father opened a pie shop next door and his success led James to follow suit. He was successful enough to move to better premises and then open both a hotel (the Baths Hotel) and Hosie's Baths, which were both successful businesses. Hosie invested heavily in land speculation at places such as Apollo Bay and Altona Bay. Unfortunately the boom burst and he had to go back to the mainspring of his wealth: selling pies. His last shop was in Little Collins Street. He died on March 30 1900, having made and lost a fortune, still running his pie shop.

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