
1/2 Penny, Issued by Rhodesia and Nyasaland (Zimbabwe), 1964
Mint not recorded

Obverse Description

Central hole flanked by two giraffes and with a crown above; around, QUEEN ELIZABETH THE SECOND

Reverse Description

Around central hole, HALFPENNY; around, RHODESIA AND NYASALAND1964

Edge Description



In 1953 Southern Rhodesia and the British Protectorate of Northern Rhodesia were joined as the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. This Federation broke up in 1963 with Zambia and Malawi forming out of the old Northern Rhodesia in1964. Southern Rhodesia was not granted independence by Britain because of problems with its white minority rule but in 1965 declared its independence. Britain and the United Nations imposed economic sanctions but it was not until 1978 that representative government was achieved. In 1980 Britain granted independent rule and the country became the Republic of Zimbabwe. This coin was issued just before the break up of the Federation.

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