
Photograph in an album that belonged to an Australian serviceman in the 5th Australian Light House during World War I. The album contains 103 small black and white photographs, mainly of Gallipoli in 1915 and some of France and Belgium. They are believed to have been taken by Trooper George Simpson Millar, service no. 160, 'A' Troop, 'C' Squadron, 5th Australian Light Horse Regiment, 2nd Australian Light Horse Brigade, A.I.F. He served in Gallipoli and France (for some time as an officer in the Imperial Army), returning to Australia in 1919.

The photograph was taken onboard SS. Caledonia in August/September 1915 while George Simpson Millar was being evacuated from Gallipoli to a hospital in London.

SS Caledonia was an ocean liner with the Anchor Line. She was built in 1906 and served as an hospital ship during World War I. On 4 December 1916 she was sunk by the German Submarine U-65 in the Mediterranean,

William Leslie McDonald was 25 years and 8 months old when he joined up in Roseberry, NSW on 19 August 1914. He served in the 1st Light Horse and had formerly served in 5th Light Horse. He got wounded at Gallipoli the 22 August and sent on the SS Caledonia to a Hospital in Camberwell in London. After being hospitalised he rejoined the Light Horse in Egypt before he was wounded and sent back to Australia in 1918.

Clifford Charles Haydon was 23 years and 3 months old when he joined up in Roseberry, NSW on 2 September 1914. He served in the 1st Light Horse during the Gallipoli campaign. He got wounded at Gallipoli the 22 August and sent on the SS Caledonia to a Hospital in Camberwell in London. He got wounded again and sent back to Australia in 1917. He is sometimes refereed to as 'Lord Dudley' in the Album.

Description of Content

Soldiers sitting/laying on the deck of the white painted hospital ship SS Caledonia. The two soldiers on the left side is identified as Lord Dudley and his assistant (offsider) Bill Macdonald. Behind the pair on the right there is two persons sleeping under blankets. One of the two sleeping persons have a pith helmet laying above his head. Behind them there is a white cage with the words 'Life Belts' painted in capital letters. On the right hand side of the cage there are two persons sitting/laying, the closest one in a shirt with suspenders and an woolen hat. Opposite him there is a person wearing army uniform and an woolen hat reading an book. Barely visible in the background is another two persons.

Physical Description

Monochrome photograph in green and brown-covered album.

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