
Family members at a Welcome Home party for Michael James Francis Cummins in Havelock Street, Ballarat after his return from World War I in August 1919. The house still stands today.

Michael Cummins, service no. 3495, enlisted when he was a 20-year-old warehouseman from Ballarat, on 7 July 1915. He was made a gunner in the 12th Army Brigade and was transferred several times during his service, including time with the 58th and 60th Battalions. He served in France without significant injury, but was hospitalized with sexually-transmitted disease and later iritis (which could be caused by the latter or trauma to the eye). He was also disciplined for drunkenness and being absent-without-leave. He embarked for Australia in July 1919, arriving on 20 August.

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People are gathered under flags and a 'welcome home' sign erected at the front of their house. There is a marquee in the back yard.

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