The photograh was previously identified as circa 1880, but the clothing worn clearly suggests a date of the 1860s - particularly the profile of the dresses and the bodice cut.
The family may be an earlier generation than that depicted in MM 003829, which appears to have been taken in the 1880s. F. Stuckenschmidt looks considerably older in the later image.
Description of Content
F. Stuckenschmidt and his family in front of his shop, the 'Cornish Stores'. A street sign in front of the shop reads'Bank Gold Office' and there is a gas lamp on the corner. The store is a brick building with a residence attached to the side. The women are dressed in crinolines and there is a horse and buggy outside the store.
More Information
Collection Names
Collecting Areas
Acquisition Information
Copied from Betty Jackman, 20 Oct 1987
Place & Date Depicted
Raglan Street, White Hills, Bendigo, Victoria, Australia, circa 1860s
Individuals Identified
Stuckenschmidt, F.; Stuckenschmidt Family
Negative, 35 mm, Black & White
Type of item
Updated comments on date by Deborah Tout-Smith, 20/4/2012
Advertising, Buggies, Families, Horsedrawn Vehicles, Produce Merchants, Shops, Street Lighting, Trading, Working Life