Black and white negative of bales of wool being salvaged from the wreck of the barge, Florence Annie, which served the Murray-Darling river trade in the Wentworth district, New South Wales. The wreck of the Florence Annie was reported in newspapers of the day, The Register [Adelaide] and The Age [Melbourne].
Description of Content
Drying wool bales which have been recovered from the sunken barge 'Florence Annie'. The bales have been placed on the ground and there are two horse- drawn carts. The property is 'Balcatherine' station.
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Acquisition Information
Copied from Roy F Smith, 09 Dec 1987
Place & Date Depicted
'Balcatherine' Station, Wentworth District, Riverina, New South Wales, Australia, circa 1905
Negative, 35 mm, Black & White
Agriculture & rural life, Animal power, Horse drawn vehicles
Type of item