Description of Content
Oblique view of the main street in Horsham looking along a row of single and double storied shops. Johnson & Ebbott's Furniture Warehouse is on the right. There is a large two storied building on a street corner in the middle distance which looks like a bank. The wide street is unsealed and has deep stone-lined gutters. There is a hitching rail in front of the shops and two bicycles and a step ladder in the gutter leaning against verandah posts. Two people in conversation are standing under the verandah of the second shop from the right. The large two storied building on the street corner in the middle distance was the Commonwealth Bank.
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Acquisition Information
Copied from Maurice L. Bothe, 22 Sep 1988
Place & Date Depicted
Organisation Depicted
Johnson & Ebbott's Furniture Warehouse, Horsham, Victoria, Australia, circa 1925
Negative, 35 mm, Black & White
Type of item
Banks, Furniture Shops, Grocers, Shops, Streetscapes, Townships, Verandahs