Black and white negative depicting a scene of the winnowing of a grain crop alongwith a family posing nearby at a farmyard at Kellalac, Victoria, circa 1815.
Part of 'The Biggest Family Album in Australia Collection', comprising approximately 10,000 negatives. The collection documents life in rural and regional Victoria dating from the 1890s to the 1940s.
Description of Content
Winnowing the grain crop. Family group in a farmyard posing in front of a row of full wheat sacks. At right are a husband and wife with a baby seated on the top of a wheat sack. In the centre are five other children. To the left two men are standing in a sparing pose in front of a hand-operated winnower. Behind the family is a horsedrawn stripper with three-horse team. In the background is a haystack, stockyards, a thatch-roofed stable and homestead.
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Collection Names
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Acquisition Information
Copied from Mrs Delwyn McIntyre, 23 Sep 1988
Place & Date Depicted
Negative, 35 mm, Black & White
Agriculture & rural life, Crop management - harvesting, Winnowing
Type of item
Agricultural Equipment, Agricultural Workers, Boxing, Cereal Crops, Families, Farms, Haystacks, Horses, Sacks, Winnowers