
Gold coin; Denomination: Sovereign
Royal Mint, London
Henry VII (1485-1509)

Type IV. In 1489 Henry VII initiated major changes on the coinage of England. Although the pound had long been money of account there had never been a pound (20 shilling) coin until this year. The new pound coin was called a sovereign.

Obverse Description

The King enthroned holding an orb and sceptre, the throne has a high canopy and broad seat; around, (mm lis) HENRICUS DEI GRA REX ANGL ET FRAN DNS HIBR

Reverse Description

At the centre, the Royal Shield quartered with the arms of England and France, set above a Tudor rose; around (mm dragon) IHESUS AVTEM TRANSIENS PER MEDIVM ILLORVM IBAT (translation: but Jesus passing through the midst of them went His way; from Luke iv, 30).

Edge Description


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