
Silver coin; Denomination: Penny
Canterbury Mint
King Burgred (852-874)
Moneyer: Dudwine

Burgred succeeded Berhtwulf as King of Mercia in AD 852 during a period of intense Viking activity. Early in his reign he needed to call on Wessex for assistance against a raid from Wales, where news of the damage caused by the Danes had encourages hope of easy booty.

Burgred married Aethelwulf of Wessex's daughter, Aethelswith, bringing the kingdoms of Wessex and Mercia into close alliance, but even their combined forces could not subdue the Danish raids. A major incursion in 866 was only solved by paying the Danes to move on and raid elsewhere. Driven out, Burgred retired to Rome in 874, where he died and was buried.

Burgred was succeeded by Coelwulf II (874- circa 880), a Viking nominee who held the throne on condition that he assist the Danes when called upon and that his kingdom would be at their disposal whenever they wanted.

Obverse Description

A diademed bust of Bergred facing right, the bust extends to the edge of the coin; around, BVRDRED REX

Reverse Description

The moneyer's name across the centre, DYDPINE with MONETA divided in half in closed lunettes above and below.

Edge Description


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