
Australia Victoria Frankston
Medal - Armstrong Shoe Mart, Frankston 1988 (AD)
Issue number 369 Type 141
Mint: Hafner
Other Details: Issued to commemorate the tricentenary of Dampier's discovery of Western Australia. 100 struck in brass and given to customers who purchased shoes, $1 offered off further shoe purchase when returned.

Physical Description

A brass medal (32 mm diameter) featuring William Dampier and a button-up boot

Obverse Description

At centre within a circle of beads, a bust of Dampier facing 3/4 left with a small sailing ship in the field right; around on broad rim, AUSTRALIA'S TRICENTENARY 1988 . WILLIAM DAMPIER 1688 . in small letters below the bust the mint and artists name, HAFNER

Reverse Description

At centre within a line circle 24 mm diameter, a ladies Victorian period button-up style boot; around, ARMSTRONG BOOT & SHOE WAREHOUSE ESTAB. FOUR GENERATIONS; below boot the mint name, STOKES MELB.

Edge Description


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