A view of a display stand and pens built in Fitzroy Gardens for proposed sheep shearing displays during the 1956 Melbourne Olympic Games.
One of a set of 147 35mm Kodachrome slides donated to the Museum in 1987. The images are all taken during the Olympic Games held in Melbourne in November and December, 1956.
Description of Content
Elevated heep shearing shed and pens erected in a city park.
Physical Description
35mm, positive Kodachrome film mounted in paper slide frame.
More Information
Collection Names
Collecting Areas
Acquisition Information
Donation from D. G. Morris, 08 Apr 1987
Place & Date of Event
Slide, 35 mm, Colour
Printed in red ink on back of slide frame: 'KODACHROME/TRANSPARENCY/ PROCESSED BY KODAK Handwritten in black ink on front of slide frame: 'SHEEP SHEARING/ STAND/ FITZROY G'DNS MELB' Printed in black ink on front of slide frame: '13'
Type of item
Image Dimensions - Mount
50 mm (Width), 50 mm (Height)
Exhibitions, Farm Animals, Olympic Games: Melbourne, 1956, Public Gardens, Shearing, Sheep, Tents, Trees