Cinema advertising slide produced by the Forestry Branch of the State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV) for promoting the 'ABC' public campaign of bushfire prevention strategies.
Alternative Name(s): Lantern Slide
Description of Content
This slide was used to educate the Victorian public in bushfire awarness. The image is of a burnt out forest with messages accross and below the image 'See what we're driving at?/ MOUNTAIN ASH - FIRE KILLED 1939/ IT CAN HAPPEN AGAIN/ UNLESS YOU AVOID ALL OPEN FIRES'.
Physical Description
Standard format (3¼ x 3¼ inch square) lantern slide, comprising two sheets of glass sandwiched together and sealed with adhesive paper binding tape around edge. The hand tinted black & white photographic image is printed the back of the front glass, protected by a cover sheet to prevent it being scratched.
More Information
Collection Names
State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV) Collection, Victorian Bushfires Collection
Collecting Areas
Issued By
Forestry Branch, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), Victoria, Australia, circa 1950s
Organisation Named
Lantern Slide, Standard (3¼ in. x 3¼ in.), Hand Coloured
Text printed within the image of the slide: 'See what we're driving at?/ MOUNTAIN ASH - FIRE KILLED 1939/ IT CAN HAPPEN AGAIN/ UNLESS YOU AVOID ALL OPEN FIRES' Printed text on binding tape of slide: 'T.W. CAMERON, SLIDE SPECIALIST, / 430 Bourke Street. Phone MU 4377.'
Type of item
Overall Dimensions
82 mm (Width), 82 mm (Height)
Advertising, Bushfire Prevention, Bushfires, Fire Safety, Fires, Forestry, Lantern Slide Shows, Lantern Slides