
Cinema advertising slide produced by the Forestry Branch of the State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV) for promoting the 'ABC' public campaign of bushfire prevention strategies.

Alternative Name(s): Lantern Slide

Description of Content

This slide was used to educate the Victorian public in bushfire awarness. The image is of a burnt out forest with messages accross and below the image 'See what we're driving at?/ MOUNTAIN ASH - FIRE KILLED 1939/ IT CAN HAPPEN AGAIN/ UNLESS YOU AVOID ALL OPEN FIRES'.

Physical Description

Standard format (3¼ x 3¼ inch square) lantern slide, comprising two sheets of glass sandwiched together and sealed with adhesive paper binding tape around edge. The hand tinted black & white photographic image is printed the back of the front glass, protected by a cover sheet to prevent it being scratched.

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