Part of a large photographic collection of glass plate and film negatives, photographic prints and photo albums, relating to the development of the electric power supply industry in Victoria, operated by the State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV) from 1919 to 1993 and various predecessor private and municipal power supply enterprises dating back to the late 1880s.
The coal drier was supplied by Zeitzer Eisengießerei und Maschinenbau-Aktien-Gesellschaft (ZEMAG), or in English, Zeitz Iron Foundry and Machine Factory Corporation, a company that was founded in Zeitz, Germany in 1855 by Hermann Schäde and Ludwig Lange.
Description of Content
Group of workers standing in front of a large German-built rotary coal drying drum being installed at the Yallourn Briquette Works, 1931. The large steel drum is of riveted construction and measures about 8 metres long x 5 metres diameter.
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Collection Names
Collecting Areas
Place & Date Depicted
Briquette Works, Yallourn, Latrobe Valley, Gippsland, Victoria, Australia, 1931
Manufacturer of Item Depicted
Zeitzer Eisengiesserei und Maschinenbau AG, Zeitz, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, circa 1930
Glass Negative, Black & White
Painted in large white letters on the side of the machine is: 'ZEITZER. EISENGIESSEREI UND. MASCHINENBAU. ACTIEN GESELLSCHAFT ZEITZ', which translates as 'Zeitz Iron Foundry and Machine Building Company (Share Society), Zeitz'
Energy technology, Coal & coke - production, Briquette making
Type of item