One of 139 photographs in an album from World War I likely to have been taken by Captain Edward Albert McKenna. The photographs include the 7th Battalion training in Mena Camp, Egypt, and sight-seeing.
According to the inscription this image was taken by Lieutenant Grills depicting Captains Hunter, Weddell and McKenna on board what looks be a train at the Alexandria Wharf. Captain Herbert Humphrey Hunter was assigned to the 7th Battalion G Company. He was killed in action in May 1915 at Gallipoli. Lieutenant Robert Hunter Weddell was assigned to the 7th Battalion F Company. He returned to Australia as Major Weddell in February 1916. Captain Edward Albert McKenna is believed to have been the main photographer of the album and was assigned to the 7th Battlion E Corp. He was killed in action at the Gallipoli landing.
Description of Content
Three servicemen each facing the camera out of individual windows on what appears to be a train.
More Information
Collection Names
Collecting Areas
Place & Date Depicted
Elizabeth (Lillie) M. McKenna, Melbourne, Australia, circa 1918
Of Album -
Individuals Identified
Photograph, Black & White
Hand-written in pencil on the bottom right corner of the photo album page: '5' Hand-written in ink on the support underneath the photograph: 'Taken by Lieut. ? at the wharf / at Alexandria. / Captains Hunter. Weddell & McKenna.' Hand-written in pencil on the support to the right of the photograph: 'a' Hand-written in pencil on the back of the photograph: '...Grills on the wharf / at Alexandria / Just before we left for / Cairo (dash on an angle underneath the last three letters) / Capts. Hunter Weddel + Self.'
Type of item
Image Dimensions - Photograph
64 mm (Width), 92 mm (Height)
Image Dimensions - Photograph album page
159 mm (Width), 195 mm (Height)
Army Camps, Australian Army, Australian Military Forces, Soldiers, Trains, Wars & Conflicts, World War I, 1914-1918