
Computer program titled 'SNAP Simplified Numerical Analysis Program'. Author: Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts. DECUS Program library number 8-122. Date: 1967. Produced by Harvard Medical School. Digital Equipment Computer Users Society, Massachusetts.

Abstract: A real-time mathematical computer language.

The Digital Equipment Computer Users Society (DECUS) was set up by early users of the PDP-1 computer, which was manufactured by Digital Electronic Corporation (DEC), in Massachsetts, United States of America. The creation of DECUS was driven by the need to share information and computer programs for the PDP-1. One of the key reasons was that early users had to write their own software; DEC initially sold only hardware. Set up in 1961, DECUS grew to be one of the largest international societies of computer users in the world.

Physical Description

21 page, portrait format paper which is printed on both sides and stapled together in the top left hand corner. The front cover has the Decus Program Library name and logo printed in blue in the top register of the page. The booklet number, title, author, company, date and format are also listed in the front cover. The information is presented in both textual and tubular format and is printed in black ink.

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