General Description

Above: brownish black, forewing with three large central pale yellow elongated spots and small pale yellow dots towards the top of the wing, hindwing with a broad orange central band. Below: Orange-brown or pinkish-brown, forewing similar to above, hindwing with a central black-ringed white spot and a band of bluish-white spots. Wingspan up to 4.5 cm.


This butterfly flies rapidly near the ground during sunny periods, and rests in trees in late afternoon. Male butterflies defend territories near breeding areas. The larvae eat Spiny-headed Mat-rush, Lomandra longifolia and other Lomandra species. They feed at night and rest in curled-leaf shelters during the day.


Coastal, southern Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria.


Woodland, open eucalypt forest, rainforest margins in particular moist areas, such as along creeks.

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