General Description

Small-bodied with relatively long legs; often appears to have only four legs due to resting position in web. The female cephalothorax is brown and covered with silky hairs. Abdomen with horizontal stripes of yellow and crimson brown, sometimes with pale spots on the brown stripes. Legs dark brown to black with a few yellowish bands. Males with cream body mottled with brown pattern. Body up to 4 mm long (male), 20 mm long (female).


The St Andrew's Cross spider commonly builds its web amongst shrubs and other vegetation or against walls of buildings. It normally hangs upside down in the web with two paired legs placed along each arm of the cross. The silken cross may be used for strengthening the web, for camouflage or for enhancing prey catches. It has been shown that the cross reflects ultra-violet light which is particularly attractive to insects. Egg sacs are pear-shaped, green in colour and are suspended in nearby vegetation rather than in the web itself.


Eastern mainland Australia.


Woodlands, heathlands, dry sclerophyll forests and urban gardens.

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