General Description

Buff-coloured. The hard upper shell (carapace) is flat and rounded with a beak-shaped projection (rostrum) extending between the eyes. Spines on the antennae are prominent when viewed from beneath the carapace. Males have enlarged claws (chelae) with a soft swelling (pulvinus) between the fingers. Carapace up to 2.2 cm wide.


All flat-backed crabs or false spider crabs or sea spiders as they are variously named, have a very flat carapace with a well-defined edge and very long spindly legs. Despite the name Estuarine Sea Spider this species and its relations are not true Sea Spiders (pycnogonids) but are instead crabs. This species is larger than most false spider crabs; the round carapace of most species are less than 15 mm across. They inhabit algae or hide under stones.


Southern temperate oceans, including southern Australia.


Muddy estuaries to depths of 7 m.

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