General Description

Above: black with brown-orange markings and a white-centred black eyespot on the forewing; hindwing orange with black fringe, black central spot and small eyespot. Below: forewing as above, hindwing variable from grey to brown with darker markings. Hindwings without tails. Antennae clubbed. Wingspan up to 4 cm.


The butterflies are present from late spring to autumn. Males will go to hills and ridges and defend an area, with the aim of attracting females to mate with. The caterpillars are green and well camouflaged. They feed during winter and early spring on grasses, including Slender Tussock Grass Poa tenera and Kangaroo Grass Themeda triandra.


Southern mainland Australia and Tasmania.


Range of habitats including coastal, forested hills, and inland, drier regions.

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