General Description

One of four large, green-winged moth species found in Victoria. At rest the moth characteristically hangs tentwise with the front pair of legs extended above the head. The wingspan is about 5 cm for males and 8 cm for females.


The caterpillars are wood borers, particularly of the stems or branches on young Acacias. The entrance to their bores is covered with a coarse web. Larvae may live for more than one year but the adults do not eat and live only a few days. Females are attracted to lights but males are rarely seen. Many small, white eggs are scattered on the forest floor.


Forested areas of south-eastern Victoria from Melbourne to the eastern border; also in Tasmania and up to Queensland.


Forest habitats with Acacias, particularly saplings. This species prefers moister environments such as wet sclerophyll forests and wet gullies.

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