General Description

A medium-sized, bulky pigeon. Has a distinct white line below the eye and a characteristic iridescent wing patch of blue, red and green metallic feathers with pale edges. Males have a slightly darker pinkish-grey breast and a yellow-white forehead. Body length of up to 36 cm. They look quite similar to Brush Bronzewings, Phaps elegans, which are a similar species but have a dark chestnut neck and back and a grey breast. Call a distinctive low frequency, repetitive "whoo-whoo-whoo".


Common Bronzewings are one of the most commonly observed pigeons in Australia. They are generally seen alone or in pairs, often close to a water source as they need to drink frequently. They are very wary and are easily startled. When flushed, their wings produce a loud clattering sound as they take off. Common Bronzewings feed on the ground in small groups eating seeds and vegetable matter. Nests are built in a low branch or bush, made from twigs and sticks. Both parents incubate and care for the chicks, feeding them a special milky substance produced from the parent's crop.


Mainland Australia and Tasmania.


Heaths, forests and woodlands.

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