General Description

A small to medium-sized honeyeater. Upper body green-brown with paler underparts. Distinctive wide yellow stripe surrounded by black on face. Some brown streaking on head. Bill curves down slightly. Bill to tail length up to 18 cm. Call a repeated "chick-up".


Yellow-faced Honeyeaters are often found near water or wetlands. They are part-migratory; in autumn, high country populations move down to lower areas, while many other populations move north, returning south at the end of the summer. They migrate in large flocks. Yellow-faced Honeyeaters feed on nectar, pollen, fruit, seeds and invertebrates. They feed in small groups in amongst tree foliage and also catch insects while flying. Females build a delicate, cup-shaped nest woven from moss or lichen in understorey plants. Females incubate two eggs, but both parents defend their breeding territory and feed the chicks. Nests are commonly parasitised by cuckoo species.


Eastern and south-eastern mainland Australia.


Open forest and woodlands and urban areas.

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