General Description

Body black and white except for a bright yellow patch on the wing. Underparts white with numerous black streaks and fine white streaks on the throat. White stripe above the eye, patch below the eye and behind the ear. Eye white. Yellow sides on the tail. Juveniles browner than adults with grey eyes. Bill to tail length is up to 20 cm.


New Holland Honeyeaters dart from flower to flower feeding on nectar, fruit, insects and honeydew. Their long, slender beaks and protruding tongue enable them to extract nectar found in long flowers such as Banksias and Grevilleas. They normally feed in large groups and can mix with other species of honeyeaters. Spider webs are used to construct a cup-shaped nest built from grasses, twigs and bark, lined with soft material. Nests are built in forks of low trees or bushes no more than 6 m from the ground. The usual clutch size is two to three eggs, and a breeding pair can raise up to three broods each year. Both sexes feed the young. New Holland Honeyeaters are extremely active and inquisitive, rarely staying still for more than a couple of minutes.


South-western and south-eastern mainland Australia and Tasmania.


Heaths, forests, coastal banksia woodlands and urban areas.

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