General Description

Body deep and compressed (narrow from side to side). The dorsal fins have a long base. The tail is longer at the base than it is deep. The pectoral fins are long and the longest parts of these are the upper rays (bony supports within the fins). Dorsal and anal fin bases have a low scaly sheath. Jaws have peg-like teeth at the front and molars in the rear. Body is silvery olive-brown to bronzy, with brownish to dusky anal and pelvic fins. Mature fish often develop a bluish tinge on the snout. Up to 60 cm.


Black Bream complete their entire life cycle within estuaries and coastal lakes. Tolerant of salinity and temperature changes, they usually migrate upstream during drier times, and move back downstream after rain. Females spawn at the 'salt-wedge' where fresh and brackish waters meet in the lower parts of coastal rivers and streams. Black Bream feed on invertebrates and fishes, often using their peg-like teeth to prise molluscs and barnacles from rocks and snags. They also eat plants. This extremely popular and important food fish is targeted by recreational and commercial anglers for its firm white flesh.


Southern Australia.


In bays, inlets, estuaries, and in the lower reaches of rivers, in depths of 0-30 m.

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