'John Gidley Fleming was a grocer and a tea dealer and had his business at 125 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Town. The only record of him is that he married a certain Emma Piguenit on 28 January 1862 at St. John's Church, New Town' (McNeice, p.74).
The Tasmanian Pioneer's Database lists Fleming as born in Hobart in 1840, marrying Emma Piguenit in Hobart during 1862, and that they had nine children. It also lists both his parents and his sister. It does not give the date of his death.
Fleming advertised in Walch's Tasmanian Almanac for 1864. His half page advertisement employed a large etching showing British and Chinese traders transacting business. The etching was one of Walch's stock images, used by a range of traders over a number of years. His advertisement gives his address as 125 Liverpool Street, but it is possible that the address McNeice is also correct, at a different period in Fleming's business life. Fleming issued one penny token in 1874.
The State Library of Tasmania holds a number of images of St. John's Church, from this period:
Photographs of interior,1865: http://images.statelibrary.tas.gov.au/Detail.asp?ID=AUTAS001125294546
Watercolour of exterior and surrounds, 1840s: Http://images.statelibrary.tas.gov.au/Detail.asp?ID=AUTAS001124064338
McNeice, R., Coins and Tokens of Tasmania, 1803-1910, p.74.
Andrews, A., Australasian Tokens and Coins, p. 43.
Archives Office of Tasmania, Tasmanian Pioneer's Database, http://resources.archives.tas.gov.au/Pioneers/taslink3.asp?ID=125056
Advertisement, Walch's Tasmanian Almanac and Guide to Tasmania for 1864, advertisements p.80.
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