This 'coherer' detector is part of the receiving equipment employed on the first Australian Wireless Station to establish communication with ships at sea in May 1901.

The Station was erected at Point Lonsdale, Victoria, on behalf of the Victorian Post office, by H. W. Jenvey, M. I.E.E., post Office Electrical Engineer for Victoria, for the puupose of transmitting by wireless an official message of welcome to Australia to H. M. the Duke and Duchess of York on the occasion of their visit in connection with the adoption of Federation by the Australian States.

The welcoming message was successfully transmitted to the Royal navy escort, H. M. S. St. George, on May 20 1901, when that vessel was 17 Miles southwest of point Lonsdale, and was signalled to the Royal Yatcht 'Ophir' by semaphore since she was not fitted with wireless.

The Post Office wireless station was then transferred to Red Bluff, Point Ormond, Victoria, and on the departure of H. M.S. St. George for Sydney, wireless communication was maintained between shore and ship to a point 37 miles south west of Melbourne near Cape Schanck.

This instrument is the property of W.W. Jenvey, Supervising Engineer, Overseas Telegraph (rest of address illegible except for the word 'Box')

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