Invoice and Receipt to Connie Duffell from the Jessie McPherson Community Hospital, dated 10 May 1939. The invoice indicates that Connie gave birth to a son Roger in 1939.
Constance Duffell was born in England in 1910. She migrated to Australia with her parents and brother on the 'Narkunda' in 1927 aged 17. During the voyage Connie was accommodated with another girl (a stranger) on the lower deck while her mother, father and brother were on the upper deck together. Connie suffered seasickness until reaching Gibraltar.
Her father, Thomas Duffell was brought out to work at the Commonwealth Printing Branch as an engraver and transferrer; this was common apparently for workers to be imported as there was not enough local printing expertise at the time. In 1934 she married Archibald Gordon Maclaurin who had migrated from England in 1928 and worked at the Note Printing Branch. They had two children, Roger and Jocelyn and lived all their lives in Essendon.
Physical Description
Paper invoice with pink paper receipt attached, made out to Mrs Maclaurin from Jessie McPherson Community Hospital (part of Queen Victoria Memorial Hospital) William St Melbourne, dated 10 May 1939, for childbirth fees and one week stay at 5 pounds and 7 shillings.
More Information
Collecting Areas
Home & Community, Migration & Cultural Diversity, Transport, Working Life & Trades
Acquisition Information
Donation from Mrs Jocelyn Maclaurin, Mr. Roger Maclaurin, 14 Oct 2004
Issued By
Jessie McPherson Community Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 10 May 1939
Issued To
Miss Constance Duffell, Greater Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 10 May 1939
Text: Phone: Central 6166 Jessie McPherson Community Hospital/ 6167 WILLIAM STREET
Migration, Settlement - first home & family, Financial records
Type of item
Overall Dimensions
20.8 cm (Length), 13.1 cm (Width)
Births, British Immigration, Families, Hospitals, Immigration, Receipts, Settlement