
A users manual titled "Birds of Antarctica, Antarctic Science Data Base", prepared by the Elizabeth Computer Centre, Hobart Tasmania and published by the National Information Technology Committee, Belconnen, ACT, April 1984. Includes a 5¼ inch floppy disk in a sleeve inside the back cover.

From Foreword: " This publication has been sponsored by the National Information Technology Committee as an activity of Information Technology Month. The package has the specific aim of demonstrating the use of a database to high school students in order that they gain a greater understanding of how information technology can be applied. Moreover, the chosen application, putting up data relating to the Antarctic, opens up new concepts. Not only does it provide data for research, but it also demonstrates a real life application of computers. "

Physical Description

An approximately 86 page book, ring bound spine. Glossy cover with colour image of aviews of the planet earth from Antarctica and white text. White pages with extensive printed black text, diagrams and photographic images. There is a 5¼ inch floppy disk in a sleeve inside the back cover. Yellow sticker with black text on disk.

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