Small, two-door wooden tool cupboard with shelf on top. Found in the South Engine Room of the former MMBW Spotswood Sewerage Pumping Station against wall between Pumping Wells Nos.3 & 5 at time of original inventory. Contained CRC lubricant aerosol can, filter, sundry metal pieces and machine parts.
Physical Description
Wooden cupboard with two (2) doors and a narrow open shelf at the back on top, painted green, measuring 3-ft wide x 1-ft 6-inch deep x 2-ft 9-inch high. Left-hand door has a circular wooden knob and the right-hand door has a rotating wooden tab to secure it closed. There is a tool size conversion chart attached to the outside left-hand side of the cabinet.
More Information
Collection Names
Collecting Areas
Acquisition Information
Transfer from Melbourne Water, Spotswood Pumping Station, Melbourne & Metropolitan Board of Works (MMBW)
Spotswood Pumping Station, Melbourne & Metropolitan Board of Works (MMBW), Victoria, Australia, 1900-1960
Painted in cream on inside of right-hand door at top: '48'
Mechanical engineering, Tools & tooling, Furniture - tool cupboards
Type of item
Overall Dimensions
915 mm (Length), 450 mm (Width), 835 mm (Height)