
Female figure, constructed from found material, including cloth, wood, buttons, beads and plastic foliage, dressed for a feast. The doll was made by a young woman from the Ikenwen village, Tiznit Province, in 2007.

It is part of a group of traditional toys collected in the Anti-Atlas area of Morocco by Belgium Socio-cultural Anthropologist Jean-Pierre Rossie, during the period 2005-2011.

Physical Description

Female figure made from found materials, including cloth, wood, buttons, beads and plastic foliage. Her face is drawn on in red and black on white fabric. She wears a long yellow dress, has a large scarf over her head which extends to her 'knees' and has an elaborate hairstyle with buttons and long red textile plaits. She carries a spray of plastic foliage wrapped in synthetic lace.

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