
State Savings Bank of Victoria calico money bag for cupro-nickel coins (i.e. 'silver' coins made up of 75% copper, 25% nickel). Four of Australia's coins are made from cupro-nickel: the 5, 10, 20 and 50. This money bag was kept by Keith Morter, a man who spent his entire career with the SSB. When he retired in 1985, he was manager of the 315 Collins Street branch, at the time one of the largest SSB branches in the state.

The money bag belonged to Harold 'Keith' Morter who spent his whole working life at the State Savings Bank of Victoria. Through the course of his long and successful career and subsequent retirement, Keith saved a number of mementos of the bank. Keith's collection not only provides insight into one man's working life, it also covers some important periods in Australian banking history, including the introduction of cheque accounts, the opening of small branches across the State, and the adoption of decimal currency.

Description of Content

Three rows of men, all wearing business suits. The front row is seated on a bench, the second row standing on the ground, and the third row standing on a bench. They are outdoors and there are trees in the background.

Physical Description

Calico bag printed with text on one side in green ink.

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