Alternative Name(s): Travel Permit
Permis De Travail issued to Sandor Tokai in Belgium, valid for use from 18 September 1958 to 17 September 1959. Sandor Tokai was born in Hungary in 1927, he escaped to Belgium after the 1956 Hungarian uprising. He remained in Belgium until 1974 when he migrated to Australia under the Belgium Assisted Passage Scheme.
Physical Description
Rectangular booklet consisting of a piece of thin blue card folded into three. On the front cover is extensive text printed in black type, a crest and a large letter `B' printed in red ink. Inside is stapled a small black and white photograph of a man and five paper stamps have been attached. Printed inside is extensive text printed in black type, text handwritten in blue and black ink and several blue ink stamps.
More Information
Collecting Areas
Migration & Cultural Diversity, Public Life & Institutions, Working Life & Trades
Acquisition Information
Donation from Mr Sandor Tokai, 09 Nov 1999
Place & Date Issued
Issued To
Printed on front cover: ROYAUME DE BELGIQUE/ KONINKRIJK BELGIE/ MINISTERE DU TRAVAIL/ ET DE LA PREVOYANCE SOCIALE/ MINISTERIE/ VAN ARBEID EN SOCIALE VOORZORG/ Permis de travail/ TEMPORAIRE/ Arbeids vergunning/ TIJDELIJKE/ Avis important/ [Followed by extensive text] [Extensive text is also printed inside the booklet]
Migration, Processing - planning & departure, Identification
Type of item
overall dimensions
8.5 cm (Length), 0.1 cm (Width), 13.5 cm (Height)
Belgian Communities, Belgian Immigration, Governments, Hungarian Communities, Hungarian Immigration, Working Life, Identifications, Permits