Card 'a Gift from the People of the United States' given to Julius Toth, circa 1957. Inscription in Hungarian on reverse of card reads: "J.Toth There was a toothbrush, soap, towel and toothpaste in it (Comment 21.07.1998)". Julius migrated to Australia after he escaped the Russian invasion of Hungary in 1957. Leaving his family in Hungary, he survived a dangerous journey alone to escape across the border to Austria. He was only able to bring a few possessions with him including his moulding tools, cigarette holder and photo album, which were 18th birthday presents from a sister and friend.
Physical Description
White rectangular card with green printed text in five languages.
More Information
Collection Names
Collecting Areas
Acquisition Information
Donation from Mr Julius Toth, 02 Aug 2001
Issued By
Text: A Gift from the people of the United States. [4 other languages: German, Czech, Polish and Hungarian]: Reverse, handwritten text in Hungarian: J. Toth: volt benne fogkefe, szappan, törülközo meg fog krém is (megjegyzés 21/7/98) [sic].
Migration, Processing - planning & departure, Correspondence
Type of item
Overall Dimensions
13.5 cm (Length), 9.4 cm (Height)
Cards, Hungarian Communities, Hungarian Immigration, Immigration, Immigration Policies, Refugees