
Badge of SOBSI, Indonesia

The Central All-Indonesian Workers Organization (Indonesian: Sentral Organisasi Buruh Seluruh Indonesia (SOBSI)) was the largest trade union federation in Indonesia.It was closely linked to the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI), but was suppressed along with the PKI after the 1965 coup that installed the New Order regime. It was dissolved in 1966. (Wikipedia 01/06/2018)

Part of collection of badges collected by Jim Cooper, a veteran member of the Building Workers' Industrial Union (NSW Branch) and Union and political activist before his death in 1984. His daughter passed the badges on to Alf Zeeno, ex-secretary of the BWIU, with a request that they be donated to the museum.

Physical Description

Red and gold badge, The top part is round with gold toothed gears around the outside. The centre is red with a gold map of the Indonesian archipelago in the centre. Beneath this is a scroll surrounded by gold rope, with the text in gold.

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