
Large cane doll's or tiny infant's cot, painted white, with one side which can be lowered. The cot is made with the fine cane generally used for expensive baby's prams. Made by donor's late husband, John James Henderson, a wickerworker, in his pram shop in Glenferrie Road, Hawthorn in 1942 for the third birthday of his daughter Lois Valerie. The cot originally had a wire base which was replaced by wooden slats in 1968, when the cot was used for Lois's daughter Sharon Patricia for four months. The cot was repainted in 1968.

Physical Description

Large doll's cot with one side which can be lowered. Made of cane wickerwork, painted white. A pink ribbon is laced through the top of the cot. Cot is on four metal wheels and has white painted wooden slats to form a base. There is no mattress.

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