
Robot walker made of LEGO bricks as part of the Sunrise project, Melbourne, 1989. This walker was an important piece of the education program where a challenge was set to make a robot that could walk on two legs without falling over.

This educational toy was owned and used by Dr. Liddy Nevile in her student research and classroom work in the 1980s.
This object forms part of the Sunrise Collection which includes educational robots, software and multimedia recordings of teachers and students, mainly in Victoria, exploring new possibilities with computer programming. 'Computational thinking' in a constructionist environment was emerging in Victoria throughout the 1980s and 90s.

Physical Description

A small assembly of red and blue plastic rectangular pieces friction-fitted together to make a hollow cuboid, with three rectangular rods each fixed at one of their ends to the outside of each of the opposite long faces of the cuboid via a grey plastic gear wheel. Each rod extends past the edge of the cuboid, to make six 'legs'. Inside the cuboid is an assembly of three black plastic axels and a drive shaft with three grey plastic worm gears and one pulley.

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