
Nurse Taffy Evans' World War I autograph album for 1919. Written on the multi coloured pages are messages of thanks and goodwill to Nurse Evans. The 'Boys of C Ward' at the 52nd Stationary Hospital composed several songs about her 'bringing in the pills'.

The autograph book includes a sketch of a woman in VAD uniform with red cross, a letter from a soldier bidding her sad farewell and a cartoon of a soldier returning from war on a stretcher. Some of the men in the ward have the influenza.

Nurse J. (Taffy) Evans worked at several hospitals in England, France and Belgium during World War I. Her documents mention King George Hospital in London; Number 2 London General Hospital, Chelsea; Number 30 General Hospital, Calais, France; 52nd General Hospital; and 52nd Stationary Hospital, Havre, France (Ward C). Nurse Evans left London for service in France on 23 April 1917, and probably remained in Europe until the end of the War.

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