
1 Rupee, Arkat type, Issued by, Madras Presidency, India, 1759 (Regnal year 6)

Minted by After the death of Emperor Alamgir II in 1759 , the regnal year 6 bacame frozen and this type of rupee was struck at the Company's mints at Madras, Calcutta, Murshidabad and Dacca - without distinguishing marks and with most of the legends off the flan. Production continued until 1807.

Obverse Description

Persian legend, much off flan (translation: The auspicious coin of the Victorious Emperor Chosen of the faith of Muhammad - Alamgir)

Reverse Description

Persian legend, much, including the mint name, off flan (translation: Struck at Arcot in the sixth year of his tranquil prosperity) with lotus to left of julus date

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