
Napoleonic medal depicting the Entry into Moscow (Entree a Moscou), 1812 AD. Issued by France. The artist is Bertrand Andrieu.

Mint: seems to be a cast copy of the original from the Paris Mint.

"After the fatal battle which was fought near the little river of Moskwa, on the 7th September, 1812, the French army pursued the Russians upon. Moscow, by the three routes of Mojaisk, Sevenigorod, and Kalouga; and on the 14th September, at mid-day, the French entered Moscow.

The French advanced-guard, arrived in the centre of the city, was received by a fire of musketry, which issued from the Kremlin. The King of Naples ordered a small battery of cannon to be opened, and soon took possession of it.

The French Emperor, on his arrival, took up his abode in the Kremlin; this building, like a kind of citadel, was surrounded by high walls. The French found in the hospitals about thirty thousand wounded or sick Russians, which in their bulletins, they announced to have been left without succour, or even nourishment ... Amidst this ocean of flame, the Kremlin was preserved. After having burnt nearly three quarters of the city, with the beautiful palace that was erected by Catherine, which was just finished, the fire began to subside on the 19th, and on the 23rd it had nearly ceased."Laskey, J. C. Medals Struck at the National Medal Mint by Order of Napoleon Bonaparte.p. 204-205

Physical Description

Round lead cast copy of medal. Obverse depicts the laureate head facing right; around, NAPOLEON EMP. ET ROI.; on neck truncation, ANDRIEU F. Reverse depicts a view of the fortifications and gateway of Moscow, with part of the city including the Kremlin; on the walls, the eagle-standard of France, bearing the letter N, is planted; around, ENTREE A MOSCOU.; in exergue, XIV SEPTEMBRE / MDCCCXII

Obverse Description

Laureate head facing right; around, NAPOLEON EMP. ET ROI.; on neck truncation, ANDRIEU F.

Reverse Description

View of the fortifications and gateway of Moscow, with part of the city including the Kremlin; on the walls, the eagle-standard of France, bearing the letter N, is planted; around, ENTREE A MOSCOU.; in exergue, XIV SEPTEMBRE / MDCCCXII

Edge Description


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