Alternative Name(s): Button
Badge promoting Bob Hawke and the Australian Labor Party (A.L.P.). Produced for the Australian Labor Party for issue to campaign workers during the 1983 Federal elections. Hawke became Australia's Prime Minister on 11 March 1983.
Part of collection of badges collected by Jim Cooper, a veteran member of the Building Workers' Industrial Union (NSW Branch) and Union and political activist before his death in 1984. His daughter passed the badges on to Alf Zeeno, ex-secretary of the BWIU, with a request that they be donated to the museum.
Physical Description
Circular button of printed tin plate with a thin plastic coating on the front; reverse has thick plastic backing disc with two holes holding metal pin and catch. Pale yellow background with black text.
More Information
Collection Names
Collecting Areas
Public Life & Institutions, Politics & Society, Working Life & Trades
Acquisition Information
Donation from Mr Alfred Zeeno, 14 Aug 1990
Issued By
Person Named
Text: GIVE / BOB / THE JOB / VOTE LABOR. Reverse has B.A.M in relief on backing disc below pin holes.
Type of item
Election Campaigns, Political Parties, Politicians, Politics, Prime Ministers, Badges