
Alternative Name: Button

Fundraising badge for the John Curtin Appeal, presumably for the Australian Labor Party, made by Patrick Bros, Melbourne. Born in Creswick, Victoria, the Right Honourable John Curtin was Australia's 14th Prime Minister from 7 October 1941 until his death on 5 July 1945 . His period in office included part of World War II. His Labor Government introduced many progressive social reforms.

Part of collection of badges collected by Jim Cooper, a veteran member of the Building Workers' Industrial Union (NSW Branch) and Union and political activist before his death in 1984. His daughter passed the badges on to Alf Zeeno, ex-secretary of the BWIU, with a request that they be donated to the museum.

Physical Description

Round brown and white metal button, with an image of John Curtin and text in paler brown. Gold-coloured safety pin at back.

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