
Model 501 printer for Control Data 3200 computer system. '501' was taken from the CDC street address at 501 Park Avenue, Minneapolis, U. S. A. The printer mechanism was manufactured by a company called Annelex and packaged by CDC. The paper came out so fast that the paper did not stack so a device was made to correct this.

Drum printer, printed 1000 lpm using 48 characters only, 800 lpm using all 64 characters, skips 25 inches per second, 6 lines per inch, 136 columns, modified standard gothic font. Manual switch allows printing at half speed. Special punched tape was required to signal "channel" jump, e.g. channel 1 jump was top-of-page. Reasonably good quality output.

Physical Description

Black cabinet with grey side panels; two hinged glass doors on front. Set of eight push button controls on top right front of cabinet. rectangular box extension at rear with hinged door. Hinged lid on top of cabinet. Sound proofing foam on inside of top lid is decaying. Accompanied by 5 boxes of High Speed printer ribbon.

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