
Alternative Name(s): Button

Badge expressing support for the Austudy 5 and the right to demonstrate. The Austudy 5 were a group of activists arrested at a 1992 demonstration in Melbourne. The demonstration, organised by the National Union of Students, was against the abolition of Austudy as a student grant, to be replaced by a student loan. The case and the campaign continued for two years until it was dismissed. The five were Jill Sparrow, Jeff Sparrow, Jonathon Sherlock, Marcus Banks, and Mick Armstrong. The Sparrows later became the authors of two Radical Melbourne books.

Physical Description

Round metal badge, red with black lettering,


These protest badges were purchased by the donor in various opportunity shops; a detailed provenance about the campaigns in which they were used in therefore not available. They date from the mid-1990s, and all were probably used in demonstrations in Melbourne. Some relate to the State Government of Jeff Kennett (1992 -1997); others for campaigns for oil rights for East Timor, and independence from the Indonesian Government; others relate to student demonstrations.

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